save slot中文什么意思

发音:   用"save slot"造句
  • save:     save2 除…以外,除 ...
  • slot:    n. 〔英方〕门闩;〔方言〕条板。
  • save:    vt. 1.救,拯救,救济;保全。 ...
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  1. Eventually , you will come to a save crystal . right - click on the crystal and select a save slot to save your game
  2. Therefore this paper proposes the delay equalization algorithm which can both guarantee the qos of high priority traffic and effectively reduce the delay of ubr traffic in broadband satellite network . it is based on the prediction and equalization the delay of vbr or abr traffic so that the saved slots can be allocated to ubr traffic . the approach of dynamic alternation slots between vbr and ubr traffic can improve the mean tdma frame utilization while reducing the delay of ubr traffic
    因此本文在基于流量估计的资源调度算法基础上,提出了一种在宽带卫星网络下能够保证高级别类业务qos ,同时又能够有效地降低ubr业务时延的时延均衡( delayequalization )调度算法,它是基于对vbr或abr业务时延的预测,均衡时延的方法,保证vbr或者abr业务qos的同时,将节省的时隙分配给ubr业务。


  1. save sent message 什么意思
  2. save sent messages 什么意思
  3. save settings 什么意思
  4. save settings as default 什么意思
  5. save settings on exit 什么意思
  6. save some money 什么意思
  7. save some water 什么意思
  8. save something for a rainy day 什么意思
  9. save something out of the fire 什么意思
  10. save space 什么意思


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